Thursday, November 18, 2004

Berlin set list (#3)

I've got an update for the set list for the third Berlin show (November 17).

During Hoist that rag, a kid (11-12 years old?) was playing percussion with Brain. CR Avery joined the band on stage for some beatboxin' and he played harp on Heartattack and vine.

Make it rain
Don´t go into that barn
Hoist that rag
Sins of the father
Earth died screaming (on harmonium)
Reeperbahn (on harmonium)
The part you throw away
God´s away on business (on harmonium)
Diamond in your mind (on harmonium)
Metropolitan glide (with CR Avery)
Heartattack and vine (with CR Avery)
Walk away
Day after tomorrow
Shake it

First encore:
Come on up to the house (on harmonium)
Trampled rose

Second encore:
Get behind the mule (with CR Avery)
Lucky day (on harmonium)

Thanks to Sylvain, Reiner and Manfred.
You can mail me corrections.

UPDATE (December 17): Initially, I posted Tom played no piano, but listening to the recordings of this night, that obviously seems wrong. Thanks to Do for pointing that out.


  1. Anonymous7:19 pm

    I guess tha young guy that played drums on Hoist that Rag was Tom's youngest son.

  2. Anonymous1:04 pm

    I was at all three concerts in Berlin.
    I had bought the tickets one month ago and, since then, I had been waiting and thinking only about the concerts.
    Now that it is over I feel sad and alone...

    It was like having a long holiday and coming then back at home and at the usual, daily life.

  3. Anonymous4:31 pm

    I just want to wish everyone who's attending the shows this weekend to have a freakin' special time. I know I will. I'll be the guy with the big smile on the first row...

  4. I guess the info (about the piano) I got was wrong.
    Sorry about that.
