Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Bourla vouchers

Some information for those who managed to book a Bourla ticket: the vouchers are arriving.


  1. Anonymous4:19 pm

    yep, they have arrived!

  2. Anonymous2:39 pm

    Hi Eyeball Kid

    Will you be kind enough to give us some feedback/setlists for the Bourla show after the gig? I'm off to Berlin on Tuesday and London but need a fix of Tom news before then to keep me going. Keep up the good work.

  3. I'm pretty sure there will not be a big screen outside of the venue.

    But a very nice 'rumour'. Almost as good as the one that said U2 was the opening act for the Vancouver show....

  4. Anonymous7:36 pm

    19h34... Waits must be in Belgium, and won't be back for a long time... gee, I miss the voucher I couldn't get...
