Sunday, November 20, 2005


The LSB Players from Lincoln Massachusetts are preparing a production of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, in which they will be performing seven Tom Waits songs. The show will be performed at the local Rogers- Kirshner Auditorium on November 16, 17, 18 and 19. More info in their October newsletters from October and November (pdf files)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are using:

"That Feel" -- curtain opener
"Grapefruit Moon" -- as Ophelia betrays Hamlet -- sad ballet
"Heart of Saturday Night" -- Players' entrance
"New Coat of Paint" -- play within the play, sexy dance, creepy Hamlet w/Ophelia & Gert. & Claudius and Hamlet & his mother

"Anywhere I Lay My Head" -- 2nd 1/2 opener -- Hamlet alone on a bench
"Time" -- Ophelia's funeral: her ghost even sings a verse
"Dirt in the Ground" -- finale
