Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New year's giveaway

Later this month, I should be receiving the first payments from my advertisements and I've decided to share the proceeds with you.

I am going to let a couple of you (how much exactly, will depend on how much I actually receive) pick a Waits cd from If you're interested, please send me an e-mail at The only thing you have to do is put EYEBALL KID GIVEAWAY in the subject line and your name and which cd you'd like in the text field. I'll contact the winner(s) later about delivery details.

I know it ain't much, but it's something to keep us busy while we're waiting for Waits-related news...


Anonymous said...

Hey Kid that is very much cool of you!

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way I want to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy '06 Eyeball Kid!