Wild Years: The Music and Myth of Tom Waits.
To celebrate this, translator Tommi Brem is kind enough to give away 2 copies of the book and 10 postcard sets with illustrations Jurgen Verfaillie and Gabriela Linares made for this edition.
Just send me an e-mail with MYTHOS GIVEAWAY - BOOK or MYTHOS GIVEAWAY - POSTCARDS in the subject line. I'll give the name of the winners to mr. Brem and he'll send them their book (including a set of postcards) or postcards.
If you're not one of the lucky winners, you can order the book at Stagecraft Entertainment.
The very appropriate release-reading session in Stuttgart. In German. Megaphone and all:
Thanks to Eyeball Kid and Tommi Brem for making these available.
On an unrelated front, congratulations to the Eyeball Kid for adding a Kidlet to the family. How he accomplished that without even a brow is a mystery.
I already have the postcards! They're beatiful! Thanks To Tommi and The Eyeball Kid.
You're most welcome. Glad you like the stuff, since we are all fans of the Man's work, it's been a pleasure working on it and now it's a pleasure sharing the result with as many Tom Waits Fans as possible!
Spread the word. ;)
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