Friday, December 25, 2009

'Quite possibly' a new Tom Waits album in 2010

According to the LA Times, Tom Waits might release a new studio album somewhere next year.
“You're never sure how long it will take. You write two songs and you put them in a room together and they have offspring.”


Wiolshit said...

That sentence was an answer during an TV interview for Mule Variations.

stef said...

that would be nice indeed!
and ...please... another tour

Unknown said...

we live in hope . thanks santa

micko said...

Wish I could churn out such off-the-cuff remarks as Tom - they're all quotable gems that I use in educating my pals!!

olli said...

Quite possibly? That's like reading tabloids with faked photos...

Well, if you wanna read more, here's a fresh publication:

Another odd thing popping up about our dear mr Waits: he once got a mouse to take part of an audition, after not getting the role he kept it... What would he've done with that mouse, and what would have been his name???? Quite possible?