Monday, May 08, 2006

Wild years giveaway

ECW Press has kindly agreed to give away five copies of the new edition of Jay S. Jacobs' biography Wild Years: The Music and Myth of Tom Waits.

The cover of the new edition looks pretty much like the previous one, but with a new photograph. The new chapter focuses on Waits' last three studio albums and the discography has been updated.

The the price is $21.95 U.S./$24.95 CDN, the format of the book is the
same as the first edition (paperback with French flaps).

If you are interested in a copy, send me an e-mail with "Wild years giveaway" in the subjectline (don't forget to include your postal address in the body). The giveaway closes next week and ECW will send out a copy to the five lucky winners.

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