Nashville (TN) - Ryman Auditorium, August 5
Make It Rain
Hoist That Rag
Shore Leave
Gods Away On Business
All The World Is Green
Blue Valentine
Down In The Hole
Cemetery Polka
Tom Traubert's Blues
House Where Nobody Lives
Cause Of It All / 'Til The Money Runs Out
Murder In The Red Barn
Shake It
What's He Building In There
Trampled Rose
Get Behind The Mule
Don't Go Into That Barn
It Rains On Me
Sins Of The Father
Going Out West
Day After Tommorrow
Heartattack And Vine / Spoonful
Picture courtesy of Mark. You can see another one here.
A video of Tom Traubert's Blues can be found on Youtube.
The show was absolutely glorious...
cause it all? bye bye baby? where do this songs come from?
"cause it all? bye bye baby? where do this songs come from?"
'bye bye baby' - Til The Money Runs Out (Heartattack And Vine)
'cause it all' - Who's Been Talkin'(Howlin' Wolf)
Lyrics for Who's Been Talkin'by Chester Burnett a.k.a. Howlin' Wolf
My baby caught the train, left me all alone
My baby caught the train, left me all alone
She knows I love her, she doin' me wrong
My baby bought the ticket, long as her right arm
My baby bought the ticket, long as my right arm
She says she's gonna ride, long as I been from home
Well who been talking, everything that I do
Well who been talking, everything that I do
Well you is my baby, I hate to lose
Well good bye baby, hate to see you go
Well good bye baby, hate to see you go
You know I love you, I'm the causin of it all
I'm the causin' of it all
I'm the causin' of it all
I'm the causin' of it all
I'm the causin' of it all
"Get Behind the Mule" happened after "Trampled Rose."
What an evening
how long are the shows running?
Pretty much right at 2 hours.
Show last night was killer.
The show started at about 8:20 and ended at about 10:25. He plays it straight through with no intermission.
I'm trying to think of something to say, but I'm still speechless.
the band CLUTCH also did the howlin' wolf song "whos been talkin" its on their robot hive album.
cant wait to see tom for the first time in detroit.
the set lists seem pretty consistent, so with that im kind of dissapointed that there wont be many surprises.
You haven't even seem Tom yet and you're already disappointed in the setlist?....geez, give the man some slack. This isn't a Grateful Dead show. The guitarist, Duke, had to learn 40 Tom Waits songs in about 2 weeks. In my opinion, the "one" song that Tom chooses to play that is different is enough of a surprise for me. I would have loved to have heard "Tom Traubert's Blues" but I'm happy having gotten to hear "Invitation to the Blues" in Asheville. I hate it when people complain about what an artist wants to play. You should feel fortunate you're going to the show. If you're only going to one anyway, why does it matter how different the shows are?
If I ever get around to finding the words, I think my review of the show will be titled, "I Can Die Now."
That show was everything for me. And to sit among 2,400 "raindogs", some traveling from as far away as Norway, put me in wonderful company.
The setlist was fantastic and the Ryman was the perfect place for such reverence.
And have we seen better use of lighting at a show? Those shadows were spooky and wonderful. I kept expecting them to take on lives of their own.
Thanks to Tom for what he has given us in his art.
I know Duke had to learn a lot of songs, but what was up with that T-Rex rippoff during "Going Out West?" I didn't think he was that great. I guess Tom thinks otherwise....
I didn't go to the show to hear or see the guitarist. Waits is the show pure and simple. He could have had a band comprised of punch drunk chimps backing him up and I wouldn't have cared.
The show was genius. Not a bad moment.
And he played Tom Traubert's Blues for Christ's sakes. LIfe was good last night.
Day AFter Tomorrow was also AMAZING. Rain's On ME was a PERFECT Ryman selection. The performance of that song fit the history of the venue perfectly.
Do what you must to see one of these shows.
Thanks to all who have been sharing their impressions of the shows on the tour. Much appreciated.
Driving from Canada to the show in Detroit on Friday. Can't wait.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Waltzing Matilda, a personal highlight of the evening.
What was the first song about "not fightning for freedom, just fighting to stay alive"
"Tom Traubert's Blues (Down and Out Again in Copenhagen)" off of Small Change is the song that uses Waltzing Matilda as the chorus.
"not fighting for freedom" etc.
That would be Day After Tomorrow.
Anyone want to be "a fucking metronome"? You'll highlight his inadequacies. An absolute riot. The kind of show you need to arrive at with a hard-on and belly full of red meat. Without doubt the best tour on the planet.
Just to clarify a few things ...
- from Cemetery Polka to House Where Nobody Lives were all 3 just Tom on piano/vx and Larry on bass only ...
- I believe this was maybe the 4th time Tom Traubert's Blues has been played in the past decade or so ...
- Duke was, imo, fantastic on guitar - kind of a bluesier Marc Ribot, which was fitting based on the song selection ...
Absolutley killer ...
Sorry for the long post guys, but I literally waited 20 years to see this show so I hope you excuse my rambling mini-review.
What I couldn't believe was the number of people who were up and down the aisles heading in and out to the lobby in the middle of the show, which with the Ryman's wooden pews made it very distracting (nothing against the Ryman, which was the perfect cozy venue). Seriously, the house was absolutely packed. This was THE hottest ticket in Music City USA for probably the entire year. My husband and I paid more than twice the face value for our tickets from an Internet scalper (long story short, we were out of the country in an area with dodgy Internet connection when tickets went on sale). You would have thought people would have cut down on their beer consumption and the trips to the little wrangler's rooms. Shoot, I would have peed my pants rather than miss a second of this awesome show.
But other than that, the audience was very cool - really didn't have any problem with anyone around us. Everyone was very enthusiastic for Tom (which was nice) yet knew when to shut up when required. Incidentally, this probably led to the funniest part of the show – we were a little too enthusiastic with our stomping feet during “Cemetery Polka” which caused Tom to stop his piano playing and led to “I really don’t have good rhythm” followed by the “metronome” comment. We laughed and all complied. Probably the nicest way a performer has ever told an audience that we were distracting him. Of course, he had us all in the palm of his hand and he knew it.
I’m not a musician nor do I play one on TV but I thought the guitarist did a nice job – he did fine backing up Tom and didn’t try to upstage him.
But the absolute highlights – and I swear I’ll go to my grave remembering – were “Tom’s Turbulent Blues” on the piano (is there anything that could have topped that?), “Blue Valentine” (from the album that started it all for me) and “Day After Tomorrow” for the encore. I admit “Day…” wasn’t my favorite on “Real Gone” – I thought it a little, well, syrupy. But hearing it live and sung with such emotion, I’ve totally changed my tune on it. The audience too really picked up on that emotion and there didn’t seem to be a dry eye in the house. Even my husband, who isn’t a Tom Waits fan but wanted to see his wife happy, turned to me immediately and asked, “What album is THAT song on?”
I really loved Tom’s reactions during “Going Out West” especially the “I look good without a shirt” lines. I wanted to scream back “Oh, you do, Tom. You do!”
I had so many other memories of last night but I won’t go into them least I make this post even longer. The only other thing I’ll say is: “OH MY GOD!”
I was lucky enough to see him at all three shows in Boston for the Mule tour and even went down to the Letterman show to see him and get mugged for a fun day. I travel back to Ohio to get to see him in Akron. These set lists make me very happy indeed and I am only slightly dissapointed that I can't see all the shows. He is bar is absolutely the tops as far as a show is concerned.
Amazing... No words... THe musical event in my life. Almost cried on many songs, Tom Traubert's Blues was defenitely an unforgettable moment but everything was speecial. What a one life chance to be able to spend some time live in Tom Waits'universe. THE musical poet of the last decades... I took some picture with my one use camera, going to see them in about 2 hours. I don't have a scanner but possibly will find one during the week. I'll post the pictures then if i can. Hope looks good...
Seriously? No one was bothered by that "Going Out West" guitar riff?
Otherwise, the most amazing show of my life. Just being in the Ryman was amazing. First time for the venue and Tommy Boy. A dream come true. I teared up on more than one occassion. I knew it was something special to hear "Tom Traubert's Blues." Amazing. The guy is incredible.
That song, though, I had to grit my teeth because of the guitar playing. How is the most unique musician on the earth playing with a guitar player so incapable of being unique?
Let's hear it. I thought Duke was out of place.
Agreed. My hopes had been risen for duke as many from atlanta said he "tore it up". But his standard blues guitar playing was bland and unfortunatly probably had a lot to do with the underwhelming arrangments of Murder In The Red Barn and Goin Out West. (I was at Memphis)
Absolutely one of the best shows I've ever seen, I agree with all of the positive comments here. Tom came out on fire, like a mad preacher spitting hellfire and brimstone. Make It Rain followed by Hoist That Rag (my favorite off real gone) was a knock out way to start things off. Tom Traubert's was the highlight for me along with Day After Tomorrow. Like my wife said the fact that he can sound like satan in the junkyard one minute and then follow it with a most genuinely heart rending song and melody like Day After Tomorrow, that takes a truly amazing artist. It's the best contemporary anti-war song I've heard, it manages to get past righteous vitriol (which is not without its place) and goes straight into an elemental portrait of human fear and hope. Which is off course one of Tom's trademarks which we all love.
While I though the metronome incident was pretty hilarious, I couldn't help thinking that it really did kind of throw him off, he even seemed to forget the lyrics and repeated verses. So that was kind of awkward.
An incredible show.
One fantastic night!!!!
I was too afraid to take out my camera because I saw security everywhere. But when Tom Trauberts Blues began, I could not resist the opportunity... Security did come over and warn me to put it away (but not before the song ended), so I have this one memento :-)
I didn't dare to take it out again, unfortunately preventing me to capture the touching version of Day After Tomorrow or any of his more animated performances.
Unfortunately, the video does not do the moment justice. The quality is not the best and there is a fair amount of movement (as I couldn't hold it normally or aim it conveniently), but I'll share it FWIW.
preview on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUJCXMinOII
Hey, that video is great, thanks for sharing it. Don't be so hard on yourself!
Heres the scoop. My friend bought two tickets to Louisville, and can no longer go. She is willing to give me her credit card and driver's liscence however if I can find someone to go with, and more so pick up the tickets since they are will call only.
I don't have a picture of her unfortunatly, but... email me off the list and let me know if you are interested. Dark hair is a plus, but not required. I'm sure this sounds insane, but if you are in the area, what do you have to lose? Plus I think even the slightest resemblance would get us in. I appreciate any interested parties in advanced. Thank you!
tom waits: any show, any time, any city, any song. thank you mr waits.
we are all very fortunate
As far as all you jags beatin' up on Duke, do you think you could do better? If he's Tom's man he's my man! I've yet to see the Chicago show, but I am pumped! (saw him in Minneapolis in 1999 and have been a BIG fan since 1985) And about his set lists, I would love to hear all of his tunes. But we are treated to about 25, so love everyone of them. I'd shit my drawers if I heard Phatom 309 or On the Nickel, but they are all loved. To paraphrase the Man "I'd doublecross my mother if it's TW tickets they paid!" (sorry ma)
It's all good. Enjoy it. See you at Hackneys in Chi-town---Mickey9612000@yahoo.com
I will be at Hackney's as well, but if you haven't seem a show yet, I don't think you can really comment on Duke's playing. While occasionally appropriate, he often just marginalizes waits material.
I was thinking today how great it would be if Johnny Greenwood toured with Waits. He certainly knows and loves the material quite a bit (I somehow doubt Duke is a Raindog). Not only that I think he could really tear about alot of the Real Gone material. Now HE would really add to the atmosphere. I just get shivers imaging what he could do in the background of What's He Building In There.
The greatest artist in American history quickly steps to the mic and gives a husky bark, "HANK-U".
This crowd is good. They know enough to show their appeciation but quickly stop their screaming and whistling because now, the world belongs to Tom.
1 sec. or 2 of intense (and almost loud) hushed silence and bated breath when a mean and burly standup bass pounds a heartbeat
Followed with PAUSE
but PAUSE turns quickly to 'SMASH'
'SMASH' - 'BOOM-BOOM'............
well, the world turned upside down and I will never be the same again. I now have a new way of describing Tom Waits ----
Thank you for the video of Tom playing Tom Traubert's Blues. I had amazing seats (the first row), but could not see him play that song.
And thank you, Eyeball Kid, for posting about the shows in the first place!
What a night. Simply the best show I've ever attended.
all i could have hoped for and more - courtesy of the unexpected; "Tom Traubert's Blues". holy god, i almost cried.
and no one, from nashville, has mentioned "What's He Building in There?" christ. one of the best lines of the night, preceded by one of his patented looks; "i've got an over-zealous percussionist..."
wonderful, wonderful evening...
Dearest Raindogs,
no matter what Tom decided to do for the eight shows, I feel honored to be able to see him. That being said, as a hardcore Australian TW fan there was only one thing I truly dreamed about from this tour that could turn it from being momentous into being truly spirtual ... Tom Traubert's Blues. The sooner this becomes my counrty's national anthem the better off we'll all be!
I honestly didn't think it was going to come during the early shows - I sort of had this funny feeling that he would play it as an encore at the Akron show - but was overwhelmed and in tears as he started the chords ... every second listening to the man growl is special (his humming whine cries during Trampled Rose continue to circle in my head). The fact that every single other song from the show was astounding was all just icing on the cake - Day after Tomorrow and All the World is Green were majestic moments. And of all the times I have heard "What's he Building" that was BY FAR the best performance of it
Now just Detroit and Akron before I have to go back to reliving the memories (with some help from YouTube - much appreciated for the links in this blog)
Thank you
Saw Waits for the firs time, the Nashville show was indeed everything I dreamed it would be an more, well wortht the 25 hrs driving time. Make it Rain set the tone for the evening, it was a tremendous number. I'm a raindog so I got a set in a folding chair in the 2nd row, I think I felt a fleck of sweat fly off of Tom's forhead-- I could go on for another 20,000 words but I'm at work--
I saw a number of us taking pictures, I wish I had the nerve to take mine but didn't, could anyone and everyone who has pictures post them/links to them. Thanks a million.
i had no ticket to see tom in nashville, but pinned a "Need 1 Ticket, Please Help" piece of paper on my shirt. i missed the tickets on ticketmaster and could not afford to pay 200 on ebay. a kind raindog had pity on me and i gave her 65 bucks and bought her and her 2 friends a drink on my credit card.
the show blew my mind. tom waits was everything i dreamed he would be LIVE and more. a poet, a comedian, the quinessential american songwriter, and a billboard for humanity in the state of grace.
thank you tom!
I think Smokey Hormel would have been a great pick for guitarist. But I'm sure Tom knows what hes doin and I'll find out tonite in louisville
WELLPEND, i enjoyed your brief but spot on vocalisation of "Make it Rain."
i'm so glad he brought out TT's blues. only hope there will be some surprises for Akron.
I dont have a complete setlist for tonite in louisville but he did eyeball kid and it was on of the best songs of the night!!!!
Not much else to say other than Tom and the band had honed their attack when compared to the Atlanta show. They seemed less tentative and just plain tighter. Good crowd too, respectful but willing to have fun with the man when it was appropriate. My isn't a huge fan of his later material, but he simply floored her with his last two piano songs. The rest was gravy for her. Top notch show, and we'll worth the 16 hours on the road just to see him in Nashville. Have fun all with the remaining shows!!
What did he play after November!?
Hey, kids...
I know I saw a lot more camera flashes than just the two pictures that were posted from the Nashville show. Don't be stingy! Share your photos with the rest of the Precipitation Puppies (aka Rain dogs).
Many thanks,
Short But Sweet!!
Day After Tomorrow small 17 sec clip Nashville 8/5/06
Preview on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByGkU8pWdQM
i thought i might do a song by song description of this truly amazing setlist! this was in my opinion the sweetest set of the tour...
MAKE IT RAIN- tom's comes off like a preacher giving his sermon to the audience. the way he contorts his body and throws his arms around is something you need to really see to appreciate. this is a GREAT opening song!
HOIST THAT RAG- great song that the crowd really cheered for.
SHORE LEAVE- one of my all time favs... this song paints such a vivid canvas it is scary. his voice was so clear and crsip on this one. bent did a great job on the xylophone. the crowd was silent for this, cause i think we were all numb!
GOD'S AWAY ON BUSINESS- i like this version much better than the european tour version with the acordian. he does cut the song short and the whole "free cheddar in the mouse trap" part is gone.
ALL THE WORLD IS GREEN- a nice version, the crowd was kinda subdued. a nice mellow tune...
BLUE VALENTINE- wow! what a treat... and he mentions my beloved home town of philly! a great rendition that is full of passion.
DOWN IN THE HOLE- i reccognized this tune from the first chord. not one of my all time favs, but a good song none the less.
CEMETERY POLKA- a baby grand was carried out, and i was hoping for some rare gems. from the opening line of "uncle vernon..." the crowd erupted! the crowd began to clap (very loud) and this threw tom off. this was when he announced that "we were like a fucking metronome." i wanna say before that he yelled "you're messing me all up bob." classic! he started the whole song over and the crowd was silent.
TOM TRAUBERT'S BLUES- this was pure waits magic. one of his quintesential songs... i could have easilly shed a tear during this one. it was so soulful and full of passion. the fact that it is up on youtube is a gift from heaven! this was easily the highlight of the show (if not the tour) and i can now die a happy man.
HOUSE WHERE NOBODY LIVES- another one that could get a grown man to cry. so sweet, so full of emotion. larry just faintly plays in the back and let's tom shine.
CAUSE OF IT ALL- a tune i was not familiar with, but tom does a nice job on it. just a filler song in my opinion.
BYE BYE BABY>TIL THE MONEY RUNS OUT- bye bye baby is left off the set, but trust me it was played right into till the money runs out. a little bluesier than the album version, but a great choice off of heartattack and vine.
MURDER IN THE RED BARN- so different from the bone machine version. real bluesy and much better than the version they did in europe in 20004.
SHAKE IT- not one of my favs. could have done without it, but everyone else seemed to really enjoy it.
WHAT'S HE BUILDING IN THERE- one of my favs but this song turned into a huge dissapointment. the best live version of this is from the VH-1 storytellers. but this version was filled with crowd laughter after every line tom says. which takes away from the somg for me, but the real butchering was done by bent. he began to solo with some obscure instrument he was toying with and just went way too overboard. tom gave him 3 looks during the show, then on the last look tom had to actually let him know he was getting pissed. his comment was "sorry folks i seem to have an overzealous percussionist." he was right! bent just got a little lost in the moment i think. but a bid of a let down for me.
TRAMPLED ROSE- a great rendition and not much more i can say about it...
GET BEHIND THE MULE- very bluesy slowed down version! much different than other get behind the mules. i think he is slowing tunes down to compensate for duke.
DON'T GO INTO THAT BARN- this song had the crowd stomping and clapping and the crowd was doing all the "yes sirs"... this soNg was also cut a tad short.
IT RAINS ON ME- one of the top 3 songs of the night for me. not to may people were familiar with this great chuck e. weiss song. waits was so amazing on the chorus and it did not take to long for the crowd to instantly fall in love. waits asked the crowd to join him, and boy did they dive right in. the crowd sounded amazing! another great waits comment, "i should have known everyine in nashville can sing."
SINS OF MY FATHER- one i could have done without, but it is growing on me. another song he cut short.
GOIN' OUT WEST- ok... all the people trashing duke on this song... ARE 100% RIGHT ON!!! he butchered this song!! from the opening riff, you thought they were going to cover t-rexx's bang a gong. he played the bang a gong riff throughout the whole song. this was the worst rendition of goin' out west ever! this song is so gritty and conjures up images of a meth loving, hot ride driving, ugly tattooed guy who does not take shit from anyone. instead of that we got an 80's poppy version of something else. big let down, this song above any other had me waining for marc ribot.
DAY AFTER TOMORROW- of my lord... not a dry eye in the house. this song is the definition of "powerful" yet very sweet. i cannot for the life of me understand why radio has not jumped all over this song with what is going on in the world today. no other song right now sums up the way the war in iraq is going. if bruce springsteen covered this song, it would go to number 1 and it would definitely be his new "jersey girl". tom gets no respect! this is an anthem song and deserves more attention!
HEARTATTACK & VINE> SPOONFUL- a great way to end a magical night. another tune i never thought we would ever get. "this stuff will probably kill ya, let's do another line..." classic! spoonful was ok, not a major standout tune, but it is a blues standard and duke played well on it.
as far as what stood out for me... tom traubert, shore leave, it rains on me and day after tomorrow were the real heroes of the night! my favorite waits story of the night was when he told everyone that larry was from tennessee and that when booking the tour he thought, "larry is from tennessee, he knows a few people in tennessee, they will probably show up just cause they know larry?" that and the moment when the 2 roadies were carrying the baby grand off stage. tom was directing them from behind, like a guy on the runway of an airport, pretty funny. on a bad note... i will never understand the assholes who feel the need to yell stuff all night at tom. these tools must not have been given enough attention from mommy and daddy when they were young. but this tom waits here... i met people from spain, norway and england. i just will never get why people think they have to be funny and yell shit out. it takes away from the show and just makes the person yelling look like an ass. other than that the night was pure heaven. the stained glass windows and pews inside the ryman only added to that. i felt like i was in church and was being baptized by waits! this sunday in akron i get confirmed... sorry for the long email!
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