Thursday, May 22, 2008

Info page updated

I've updated the Glitter and Doom page.

And the Google maps:

View Larger Map


rashbre said...

Where's a Southern England Venue - is it Paris??

Anonymous said...

Pheeew. Got tickets for Milano, in fact I now hold 3 sets of 2 tickets, because the confirmation mails from were caught in my spam filter. I thought something had gone wrong, so I just continued trying, until I found out. I actually had the tickets.

I hope they'll take some of them back...

Unknown said...

eyeball, need to update edinburgh per stuart, he sent an email to raindogs that it changed to 10:00 onsale time.

rauf said...

I just booked two tickets for one of the shows in Milan. I got my confirmation mail, with seat numbers, prices and the lot, but it doesn't say any date. And I tried all three dates this morning, so I am not sure for which date I have tickets now. Anybody else who's got the same problem?

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem : no date in my confirmationmail, but in my orderhistory on '' it is mentioned correctly.

rauf said...

Right, I found it. Thanks, great help.

blackrider said...

yeah yeah yeah!!! flying to milano to see The Man!!! 4th time now, the hague 1999, amsterdam 2004, asheville NC 2006 and now milano. It's closer to the Netherlands than last time... Can't wait.

swordfish0413 said...

Does anybody have recommendations for places to stay in Milano?

lamp said...


Im planning to go to the July 21 & 22 - PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC concert.

I would be very grateful for the info on:

1.How and where to get the tickets (I live in England - will they be deliverd here or will I have to collect them before the concert - and any other useful things that I should know about the - thanks!)
2.Info about the best seats in Kongresové centrum Praha ( i know that they have 3 types of tickets: regular 1, 2 and VIP - anyone been there and can tell me a bit about it?) I would be also thankful for the general info about Congres Hall - for example: will I be able to see Mr. Waits even from the last seats?

3. And the last question. Is it difficult to get from the Prague airport to Kongresové centrum Praha

Im sorry, my questions may seem stupid but Im just very, very nervous, hardly ever use internet, never buy anything via internet, never been to Prague and really want to get the tickets.